a woman at sun set

Together, we shape a safer society

For more than 20 years, consultants at Risk Pilot have developed reliable systems. We have mapped, assessed and minimized risks pertaining to businesses where safety is of the utmost importance.

Who we are

Risk Pilot is a growing Swedish consulting firm active within risk- and asset management. We help our clients build, manage and maintain safe and profitable products, businesses and sites. We work in high reliability organizations and other areas where risk, safety and complex assets are of the essence. We understand our client’s systems, the people who use them, and the regulations by which they are governed. 

Our primary expert areas are within the energy sector with a historical commitment to, and ever evolving focus on, the nuclear industry. We also work with organizations that run complex and large-scale scientific facilities and transportation systems. 


What we do

We understand the technical details as well as the structural complexity of our client’s systems. We add knowledge about human and organizational factors to achieve a holistic point of view. We understand what makes organizations, people and technology work and what hazards can affect operations. Areas in which we help our clients are:  



Safety analysis has been one of our key competence areas since our foundation and remains an integral component in most of our assignments. Our methods of analysis spans safety analyses, PSA/DSA, fire hazard analysis and RAMS. Aided by our work, safety is maintained and improved at nuclear sites in Sweden and beyond. There is ample interplay between these forms of analysis and our other key expert areas such as radiation protection, radiology, nuclear technology and Human Factors, in our assignments.

fyra personer diskuterar arbete
en leende man och en leende kvinna


We work in design and development on many different levels and in many phases of the life cycle of the projects we are involved in. Our knowledge and experience in process technology, design, technical analysis and Human Factors Engineering permeate the full scope of a client’s project journey. For instance, we work as technical project managers and process design engineers engaged in small as well as large re-designs and improvements, as well as in new design projects.


Risk Pilot is active in licencing activities including interpreting and fulfilling technical and legal requirements in the nuclear industry, both national and international. Requirements, in the context of licencing, differ between sites, industrial applications and life cycles. We help our client’s achieving approvals from authorities by applying our multidisciplinary competences. 

kraftledningar på natten
kontrollrum konferens2



Human factors

We help our clients in strengthening the prerequisites for safe and efficient operations by implementing a perspective where humans, technology and organizational aspects interact in order to handle the risks and opportunities inherent to processes and activities.  

We ensure that everything spanning design, day-to-day operations, organizational change management and decommissioning  is adapted to needs specific to the enterprise and optimized for human performance. 




Life at Risk Pilot

Our consultants contribute to a critical mass of multidisciplinarity as well as deep mentorship within specializations. We take pride in housing a wide range of competences and dispositions and enjoy equally having opportunities to work side-by-side with those that are similar and dissimilar to ourselves.  

Our consultants are active and ambitious outside work, too! We play music, we compete in the highest tiers of running and biking. We like to do some carpentry around the house now and then. We love our families, our pets and our vintage cars. Having time and space for one’s personal life is important in and of itself, and is also a prerequisite for enjoying, and performing at, work. We believe that our consultancy model affords each of us the kind of flexibility and consistency we need in order to attain a fulfilling work-life balance. 



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