Publication of NKS-R INSOLE
Risk Pilot is proud to announce the publication of the final report of the NKS-R INSOLE (a research assignment founded by NKS – Nordic nuclear safety research), a collaboration between Risk Pilot, VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lilikoi Consulting. The aim of the NKS-R INSOLE activity has been to contribute to the development of independent internal nuclear safety oversight functions at Nordic nuclear power plants. This intermediate report describes the findings from the first year of implementing the activity. We are further pleased to announce that is collaboration will continue in 2024 as further founding has been approved.
The full report can be downloaded here:
Kaupo Viitanen
Teemu Reiman
Merja Airola
Sami Murat Karadeniz
Carin Sylvander
Fredrik jakobsson